Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

life lately

eating cupcakes with a! thank you for that! :*
valentine's day: bouquet of flowers and 3 red roses
checking out cafe edison
carneval breakfast
ice cream and my italian glossybox
my bf's T and t.g.i. friday's on a friday night!
weirdest dish ever (fried! mac & cheese) and a brownie
worlds apart: le siecle
couscous and my sweet bf
the flea market that will never be my favorite ^^
unfriendly kitsch bitch staff - the Ts are still great >.<
christmas rose
me baking a cake
taking shape
my easter linzertorte
LV travel guide and restaurant tian
lunch break with my sis at tian
yummy food - check out the place if you have time
best mountain weather in march

xoxo, s

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