have you ever had to plan a kitchen? if not: consider yourself lucky! deciding on kitchen cabinets, countertops, the size of fridge, dishwasher and co. is one of the hardest things i have done so far. what i also realized today: the kitchen is the most expensive room in the house. i paid 150 euros for dishes today at ikea. and you know that the swedish kitchenware can be considered cheap. there are still so many other things to buy... pots and pans, knives and cooking spoons. i have selected 5 kitchen accessories that i desperately want in our kitchen.
1. a kenwood blender. a few months ago i discovered the greatness of homemade smoothies. this type of blender has a 750 watt engine and can even crush ice.
2. herb garden set by auerhahn. these are the most elegant and classic herb pots i have seen so far. and a definite plus: glassfibre wicks supply the plants with water. no green thumb required!
4. grüne erde spoons made of olive wood. they are perfect for organic cooking. use wood instead of plastic in the kitchen, my advice.
5. glass storage jars. i bought mine at ikea today.